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We are public affairs strategists who’ve created successful, multi-dimensional strategies for some of the world’s largest organizations, multi-lateral organizations and government.

Andrew Morgan Headshot

Andrew Morgan

Senior Associate

Andrew is a Senior Associate with Clear Strategy focussed on helping companies navigate the complexity of the Canadian regulatory environment.  Prior to that, Andrew was a member of the executive leadership team at Coca-Cola Ltd., leading the Canadian Technical Innovation and Stewardship department responsible for regulatory advocacy and compliance, innovation, technical commercialisation, and quality governance for the Canadian product and packaging portfolio.  Before his retirement in 2020 after a 28 year career, Andrew had the pleasure of leading a dedicated internal team, while also representing industry as President of the Flavour Manufacturers Association of Canada, and as Chair of the Regulatory and Health Committee of the Canadian Beverage Association.  

Andrew now dedicates much of his time to his family and children, while staying active in the technical field through consultancy work. 

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