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We are public affairs strategists who’ve created successful, multi-dimensional strategies for some of the world’s largest organizations, multi-lateral organizations and government.


Sara Kate Smith

Senior Consultant

Sara Kate Smith is a public affairs consultant with a strong background in agriculture and agri-food. She holds a BA in Political Science from the University of British Columbia and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Government Relations Management from Seneca College. She has experience working from both a business and policy perspective in the agriculture and forestry sectors.

Sara is a member of the Canadian Agricultural Youth Council (CAYC) where she is chair of the Careers and Mentorship Working Group. She also works as the CAYC representative on the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Sector Engagement Table on Skills Development. Her advocacy for agriculture and youth engagement led her to represent 4-H Canada at the UN during the 45th Session for the Committee on World Food Security and the Innovation Symposium for Family Farmers. Sara has worked on policy surrounding labour and employment, food security, agriculture, and youth engagement. She is passionate about sustainable innovation and looks forward to helping clients develop proactive public affairs strategies.

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